Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

July 5th, 2005

7:00 PM



Location:         Regional Office, Grand Falls/Windsor




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                               Mr. Randell Mercer

Mr. Terry Brown                                                          Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                        Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Gerald Hounsell                                                     Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Randy Edison                                                       

Ms. Linda Cutler

Mr. Clar Brown

Ms. Lisa Wheeler




Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                                  Mr. Charlie McCormack

                                                                                    Mr. Shawn Brace


Mr. Sceviour was late arriving.  Mr. Terry Brown acted in the role of Chair until Mr. Sceviour arrived.


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Edison/C. Brown).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1       Regular Meeting – May 17, 2005 and June 3, 2005 Continuation


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of the May 17, 2005 meeting as circulated. (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of June 3, 2005 Continuation meeting as circulated.  (Wheeler/Cutler).  Carried.



3.         Business Arising


3.1       Update on 5-year Restructuring Plan


Mr. Edison queried if a petition had arrived from the Town of Triton.  The Director indicated that this had not occurred.  He indicated that meetings were held recently with both Town Councils of Robert’s Arm and Triton.


Mr. Edison also queried if any correspondence had arrived from the Minister re disposal of Indian River Primary.  Again, the Director indicated that the Minister’s reply was not yet received.


Mr. C. Brown queried if there was any thought of disposal of Baie Verte Middle School.  That decision has not been taken since the extent of its immediate use has not yet been determined.


The Town of Burlington has put in a request for a meeting.  This will be addressed at a later date.


The Director presented an overview of the Restructuring Plan in the form of a written report, which was distributed for review and comment.


3.2       Update NLSBA


Mr. Sceviour presented a report on the NLSBA meeting.  It was noted that this meeting was very positive.  The Minister was in attendance for several hours and suggested that he would like to meet with the Chair and Director of our Board at a future date.


Other topics discussed at the NLSBA meeting included:  CSBA and membership, teacher allocations, challenges districts are experiencing in their Human Resources and Finance divisions.


Board zones have been approved for some districts but our district is still awaiting reply from the Minister of Education.


NLSBA Correspondence


1.      Letter from NLSBA which named Nada Borden as President of NLSBA.

2.      Letter from Brian Shortall thanking our Board for the Inaugural Meeting hosted in Gander.






4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1       Executive Committee


Minutes of June 21st, 2005 meeting were presented by Mr. B. Sceviour.


Motion:           to accept Minutes of June 21st Executive Meeting.  (T. Brown/Hounsell).  Carried.


Discussion around restructuring took place.  Most things are running smoothly at this point.  There appears to be positive support for the restructuring plan from most communities who will be impacted by the proposed changes.  At the June 21st earlier Executive Meeting, the Chair reported that the Director was instructed to maintain the course of action outlined in the restructuring plan, and that we would revisit the implications of the Minister’s letter relating to Bishops Falls System at a later date.


The Director noted that the first bursary application has been received from a student on the south coast who wishes to be educated in another community.


4.2       Finance-Property Committee – Mr. Pritchett gave a report


4.2.1    Update on Accounting Software


A new accounting program is being pursued.  Staff training will be provided.  Shawn Brace and Gordon Moller are currently in Western Canada obtaining first hand exposure to the new software program and its applications.


A query was made as to whether the company providing the software was paying the cost of the Assistant Director, Finance and the Information/Systems Specialist to attend a training session in Saskatchewan.  The response from the Director was in the affirmative.


4.2.2    Audit Proposals


A total of three proposals were received.  Proposals from Walters Hoffe, Blair Jewer and Grant Thorton were received. 


Motion:           to recommend acceptance of Walters-Hoffe for audit services for a five year term.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


Blair Jewer’s tender came in lower in price but there were past concerns with the past service provided.  Grant-Thornton’s tender was higher.


4.2.3    Banking Proposals


Proposals were received from TD Bank, Scotia Bank, Credit Union, CIC and the Bank of Montreal.


All proposals except TD Bank have various fees attached to its services.  In addition, TD Bank offers the best interest rate on both interest revenue and interest expenses associated with borrowing.


Motion:           to accept an offer from Toronto Dominion for banking services for a 5 year term.  (Pritchett/Cutler).  Carried.


4.2.4    Smallwood Academy – Land


Only one proposal was received for the sale of land at Gambo.


Motion:           to accept the $10,002 offer from Goulding’s Wholesale for the former Smallwood Academy land.  (Pritchett/Edison).  Carried.


Note:    It was noted that this is a fair market value for land in Gambo.


4.2.5    Travel Expenses – Mr. Sceviour


Mr. Sceviour submitted a travel claim relating to travel expenses incurred in attending various Doctor’s appointments, Specialists’ appointments and Physiotherapists’ appointments as a result of a recent accident which he sustained while traveling on school board business.


Motion:           that the Board pay Mr. Sceviour for a claim of substantiated out-of-pocket expenses as it pertains to an accident related to board related work.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried.


4.2.6    Application for Parking Lot at Exploits Valley High


Motion:           to submit an application in the amount of $120,000 to develop an expanded parking lot to accommodate the increased staff and students at the new Exploits Valley High.  (Pritchett/Edison).  Carried.


4.3       Programs/Personnel Update


Mr. Edison presented an overview of the last Programs/Personnel Committee Meeting.


Topics discussed at that meeting included:  technology, restructuring as it relates to teachers, discretionary leaves, school opening date, teacher/staff appreciation, PD shut-down days, new curriculum, school fee structures, school calendars, pre-schools and Intensive Core French.


5.         Correspondence


1.      A letter was previously written to Ministers’ Hedderson and Rideout re road conditions in Middle Arm/Burlington area.  Both Ministers responded to the letter.  Minister Hedderson referred the matter to Minister Rideout.  It was noted by Mr. Rideout that the road is being regularly kept up and his Department will continue to do so.

2.      Both school councils of Lewisporte Academy and Lewisporte Middle School jointly sent a letter confirming support of the plan for one K-9 school in their community.  Recommended upgrades to the building were also presented.

3.      Letter from Minister Hedderson re the restructuring plan for Bishop’s Falls.


Motion:           to accept correspondence and respond to such where appropriate.  (Cutler/Hounsell).  Carried.


Note:    Request for correspondence to be posted to web site or forwarded to trustees in written form.


6.         New Business


            6.1       Budget 2005-06


Mr. Pritchett gave an overview of the 2005-06 Budget.  It was noted that a small surplus is expected for year ending 2004-05.  However, this money will be spent at a later time.  The Director explained how funding for maintenance is provided to school districts.  It was suggested that a written piece be prepared to supplement the budget outlining the issues and challenges facing the Board in achieving a required balanced budget.


Discussion ensued.


Motion:           to accept the Budget as presented.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


            6.2       Closed Session


Motion:           to move into closed session.  (C. Brown/Cutler).  Carried.


Motion:           to come out of closed session.  (T. Brown/C. Brown).  Carried.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


Tentative dates for the next regular meeting of the Board are set for July 26th and/or August 16th.


8.         Adjournment


The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.  (C. Brown/T. Brown).  Carried




_________________________                                  ________________________

William Sceviour                                                           Claudine Wells

Chair                                                                            Recorder

